
Showing posts from November, 2012

Moving memorabilia

I have had a lightbulb moment of late, my landlord decided to re-insulate our loft so things had to go and I was sad and did not want to do it. But I did, I also set myself the task of using up as much of our accumulated stash of craft things for charity and selling, if possible, the huge amount of memorabilia we have amassed over the years. unless we move to a castle very little of it could be displayed properly so will lie in boxes being ruined by dust and time. I do not want the children being left with huge boxes of junk if and when we pop our clogs and realistically we need the money... no we really need the money. So the plan was, E bay first then either donate to appropriate charities or throw away. Last week I got organised and tentatively put a few items on e bay and half of them sold. I thought, mostly, I would start at 99p unless they were valuable. I made £50 the first week. Rather than run myself into the ground I took it slowly and posted the second lot, using free ...

My bliss!

Here is my bliss, playing at our house. I never say I am minding him I always say he has come to play at Grandma's. As an autistic child he has many hurdles to face but always has a smile or kisses to spare. Everyday he amazes us, at 2 1/2 he understands everything you say to him and follows commands easily, he also sleeps well for his Mummy and daddy, I just hope that lasts.

With a little help from my friends.

Some friends and I hooked up with a British charity that sends items to a school in the Gambia. the good thing  is they send a container full at a time so we can literally send anything that would be of use. I made some sewing kits up and they were really appreciated. It brought home to me how much we take things for granted so have set myself a task for the next 6 months to help where and whenever I can. I have little money but huge amounts of stash, time and a great network of supporters. I decided to try the pillowcase dress pattern, found online, a very simple little shift dress basically made from a pillowcase. On hearing of this my good friend Chalky  ( ) kindly sent me 2 unopened double quilt covers and so as not to let her down I started sewing. I made 10 dresses from the first cover and haven't even used the pillowcases yet. I also ran up some little bags to pop the dresses in so the children will have a school bag as well. Of co...