Renovating my spaces

I decided recently, to devote more time to making nice things for me. I have never really done that before but often tell people to be good to yourself - time I took my own advice. I spent a couple of weeks exhausted beyond belief, no energy, no mojo and generally ill. After much devouring of vitamins and drinking gallons of water I perked up a little. This is when I made my decision to turn things around and its working. I also started a crochet throw for my bed in vintage colours and that's something I am dipping into whilst paper piecing. Its time I gave the house and garden a bit of a boost too. They are all looking dreary. So I threaded beads onto string and hung them around the shed to catch the light and put out all the garden ornaments Jenni bought me. Next I need to paint up some plant pots for the flowers I am growing. My bedroom is quite prettily decorated but has been the same for 8 years so I think a spot of furniture painting is in my future. Some new ar...