Looking Forward To Better Days

This is where I should be doing a craft fair next weekend. I was so looking forward to it. Its a local monastery that the community saved from destruction and is now used for events, So I am having to be more pro-active in selling, donating and passing on my makes. Problem is I cannot stop making things but my frozen shoulder has slowed that down to a crawl. Sleep is a rare commodity in this house so there a lot of hours to fill. My Christmas pressie off my son this year is a subscription to Country living magazine which I adore, having real paper magazine is such a luxury. The subscription is amazingly cheap and I got a lovely gift of a Vintage interiors magazine - its big and thick with wonderful photography in it. The process of emptying the house is still happening and the refusal to have anything coming in is going well too. Hopefully the charity shops will re-open soon and I can clear the hall. All in all not too bad here despite whats going on outside my d...