And sew it begins....

Little greenhouse was wrecked in the recent storms so is now staging in my big greenhouse - works rather well I think. Some tiny greenshoots appearing now.
This is the result of spitting a bargain pot of succulents and they are growing very fast now seperated.

Its all go at this time of year and whilst there is still a lot of organising of pots to do Im happy with my the progress. Biggest suprise is my homemade compost is amazing - thank you little rabbit for youre donations. As I grow a lot in pots, due to the actual ground being used for fruit growing, I need a lot of fresh compost  so this year I wont need to buy much. This all adds to my ethos of growing as cheaply as possible. I cannot stand seeing people in garden centres with trolleys groaning with fancy pots, compost and fertiliser as they decided to grow their own. I should take thier adress's and nip round next year and offer to remove the unwanted pots!


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