Clearing the decks for Christmas

I am working my way through things and posting parcels here and there. This week I posted these off
To Sibol the squares were passed to me to make up by a friend who had her hands full and I was happy to help out.

This is how they arrived along with lots of lovely yarn to make them up. I m now happy they have been recieved by the lovely Mrs Twins who runs Sibol and will soon be keeping someone warm and cosy in a British care home.

Another job I had to finish was to make another blanket with squares from ll over the uk and some from further afield. I cant revel the recipient until the gift arrives at its new home but here is  photo of it along with the cushion cover I made to use some more of the squares up.

Off to sew bunting now, my new addiction, its so easy and makes me happy !


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