Pinching those pennies.

Tough month with little income means I need to polish my frugal skills. Luckily the pantry has 2 shelves full of various bits and bobs and the tin cupboard is still full. Muscle foods order is now getting to the end but I must say it was a worth while (and lucky) purchase. The chicken breast are amazing. 

Due to the heat we had pasta salad and rice tonight with a boiled egg and a piece of pork pie. I actually  thought I had run out of pasta - nooooo - found several packs in the pantry ...phew...

Sadly when the S*** hits the fan I always start making things to sell however there is no point to that as I cannot sell anything due to the stupid rules when benefits change - Dagnab it!

One thing we will be able to rely on this year is soft fruit as  the garden is positively groaning with strawberries, raspberries and red currants. The strawberries are either from my dear friend Annie, posted from London a couple of years ago or from 2 bedraggled 50p half dead plants from Homebase a while ago.

Raspberries are all from Annie posted with a bit of damp kitchen roll wrapped round the base of the cuttings.

Redcurrant has been in the garden for about 6 years after being bought from Aldi. I bore no fruit for 3 years, it basically just sat there then on the 4 th year its had one bunch of fruit since then its been so prolific I cannot believe it.

3 years ago my Mum bought me 4 apple tree's that were a bargain from D T Brown nursery - I picked M9's so I wouldn't over crowd the garden and its worked perfectly.

Last year I grabbed a patio pear tree from Morrisons for £7 and that is doing very well this year so we will see what they are like. If they are hard I will add them to pies or jam.

I am trying to keep busy and so far have recovered a seat cushion for hubby and turned up Dgs's school pants. Tonight I am going to make some cards as I keep wanting to send cards to friends and find I have none in stock. Also need a new baby card as a friend is due to pop this week.


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