January Blues

This is how Banjo and I feel at the moment! My arm is still very painful and not working particularly well  but am managing a little crafting.

The boy is now enrolled in a special school where he is in a class of 7! He is calmer and much happier than ever before. Its an oasis of calm at the Grange which is perfect for him. Gone are the stresses and strains of regular school.

Beth is coming on fast and saying lots of words now. She will literally eat anything you put in front of her so the cat keeps out of her way.

We are so busy helping out with the children we are not getting much time for ourselves and when we do one or both of us is worn out and in pain but on Saturday we are going out for coffee and a whizz round the garden centre ( hopefully).

Now I'm going to get on my soapbox. I watched a programme called ' A Plastic Tide' the other night and it has driven me to try and encourage everyone to be aware of the consequences of buying things in plastic wrapping. Please pop a cloth bag if possible or a bag for life in your pocket when you think you may be shopping. If you can buy your veg from a local market without packaging, try it. Bottled water is the biggest waste of money there is as mostly in the UK our tap water is lovely, so pick up a re- usable bottle ( £ shops usually have them) and take water with you instead of buying. These tiny steps will make a huge difference over time.


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